All Tempe Union High Schools have rolled out an empowering initiative that brings students together for academic growth. The Peer to Peer Tutoring Program, available across all campuses, is putting students in the driving seat, offering them the chance to both guide and seek guidance.

Every high school under the Tempe Union banner has designated tutoring day(s), specific location(s), and time(s) for students to get the help they need, either before or after school. While these sessions are supervised by faculty, the actual tutoring is provided by their peers—students who have excelled or shown proficiency in various subjects.

While drop-ins are welcome, the program emphasizes making appointments, especially for students who prefer a particular tutor or need to fix a specific day and time. Arrangements can easily be made online by simply clicking on the ‘Peer Tutoring’ button associated with each school on the website

The new program’s focus isn’t just academic. It’s also about forging connections. It offers students struggling with their coursework a flexible strategy to get direct, timely help in the evenings. It’s particularly invaluable for those who might find the thought of approaching a teacher daunting. The more relaxed, peer-driven environment can make it easier for students to open up, ask questions, and get the clarifications they need.

Moreover, the benefits extend beyond just the students seeking help. The initiative underscores the value of independent learning, offering tutors a chance to reinforce their own understanding while helping others.

The Peer Tutoring Program is more than just a study aid—it’s an endeavor to foster a community where every student has the resources and support they need to excel. So, whether it’s combating homework frustration or getting that extra nudge in understanding a challenging concept, students now have an avenue that promotes both independence and personalized learning.

Students across the district are encouraged to take advantage of this unique opportunity and redefine the way they approach learning.